如果擔心分數(shù)不夠好看,可以補充說明一下孩子在同年級學生中的分位數(shù),如:八年級共400名學生,孩子在前10%,在老師推薦信上也可以就其學術(shù)能力或成績情況進行進一步的印證(另外,其實美國高中對中國孩子提供的成績單因種種原因已不是太信任了,只作個參考而已,關(guān)鍵還是孩子標準化成績及面試表現(xiàn))。 -
Depending on which schools your child is applying to, it may not be necessary to provide too many years' worth of school grades especially considering the child is only in grade 7, 8 or 9 where the grades before are quite insignificant. What the schools would like to see is the immediate past year's grades and current mid term grades and teacher comments which are required in the application.
有些學校需要提供前面兩年的,有些三年的。一年有兩個學期, 提供兩個學期的成績單就好, 成績單的表現(xiàn)形式可以是中國常用的百分制, 也可以是abcd 制,結(jié)尾可以來個評分說明。