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同學你好: 是否能錄,作為中介,無法給出正確答案,但是從你的申請條件來看,整體背景是不錯的。Loomis 喜歡有體育技能的學生,特別是游泳,我們曾有學生因為游泳的特殊才能被錄??;從你的條件對應(yīng)我們被 Pomfret 和 Suffield 錄取的學生,應(yīng)該是不錯的。 加油!
美國創(chuàng)藤教育 通過 網(wǎng)站 回答于2025-01-06 23:29:34 |
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如果以學術(shù)和未來走向為主來看,Lake Forest, 如果地理位置St. George最好,但St. George理科并不強。
美高馮老師-前招辦主任 通過 網(wǎng)站 回答于2024-11-26 22:35:18 |
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It is important to do independent research on each school and consider the best-fit scenario for your child considering your major factors. Deciphering opinions on school search sites will result in a variety of answers. As it relates to Math courses, Mr. Rao could not be more wrong. Only Phillips Exeter Academy has a few higher math offerings. We offer higher than Andover, and easily more than all other NE boarding schools and every private prep school in the NYC area. We currently have 60+ students now beyond AP Calculus BC. We offer College-Level Multivariable Calculus and College-Level Linear Algebra (both of which are accredited through SBU'S ACE program for dual enrollment). We also offer Advanced Mathematical Logic and, Advanced Topics in Mathematics. We have increasingly seen students specifically choose to come to SBS for our math curriculum, as we are confident in saying our math course offerings are currently among the best in the country. Advanced Topics in Mathematics originated due to students completing our math sequence, especially possible now due to summer courses through our Gravitas program. The course is co-taught by our Math Department Chair, who is also now an adjunct professor at SBU at their math chair's request, and a new faculty member who holds a PhD in rocket science and has taught mathematics and physics at the college level for many years. The course is designed to be flexible to student research and interests. As a capstone project, students will do a research project and defend their research in a "thesis defense" style forum in May, alongside our Advanced Scientific Research students (a similar new course to facilitate research in science - we have had multiple students with internships at Brookhaven National Labs and Cold Spring Harbor Labs over the past several years and this course is designed to support that initiative) and Advanced Engineering, Innovation, and Design students from the STEM department. Our students are performing at a higher level than most college juniors and seniors our teachers have taught at the university level. Here is the course description: N.170/ Advanced Topics in Mathematics Prerequisite: Linear Algebra or Multivariable Calculus and instructor’s recommendation . This course is a rigorous, college-level math course for high-achieving students of mathematics. Topics such as combinatorics, probability, real analysis, complex analysis, advanced calculus and number theory will be covered to expose students to a variety of advanced subjects. Take a look at our course offerings: https://issuu.com/sbsacademics/docs/course_catalog_23-24 Our robotics and rocketry programs are some of best in the nation and we have a project with NASA. See https://abc7ny.com/stony-brook-school-students-international-space-station-stem-program/13036657
The Stony Brook School 通過 網(wǎng)站 回答于2024-12-01 08:55:59 |
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雖然這幾所學校在Niche 排名不相上下,但其實申請的門檻要求還是有很大的區(qū)別的。Kent的要求是最高的,即使你有滿分的托福和99% 的SSAT,也未必能被Kent錄取。 建議學生好好看看這些學校的官網(wǎng),特別是Admission的要求,這樣會對學生有非常大的幫助。
美國創(chuàng)藤教育 通過 網(wǎng)站 回答于2024-09-24 01:30:20 |
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iBridge Education 慧橋國際教育 紐約Julia老師 通過 網(wǎng)站 回答于2024-08-29 05:52:07 |
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首先在擇校的時候考慮幾年以后大學的競爭力的問題是很對的,有前瞻性,不過您的顧慮的點稍稍地可以調(diào)整一下,從我從業(yè)十幾年的經(jīng)驗包括每年多次參訪美國大學,跟美本招辦訪談來看,其實美國的大學在選拔學生的時候,得具體看學校,比如有些大學是根據(jù)你的高中在哪上的來界定你是不是國際生,跟你是否有美國身份沒有關(guān)系,比如普利斯頓大學、芝加哥大學、哥大、康奈爾大學等學校, 普林斯頓大學明確界定了學校對于美國本土生和國際生的: Citizenship has no impact on our determination of an applicant’s status as either domestic or international. Students are considered domestic applicants if they are attending a secondary school in the United States; likewise, students attending a secondary school abroad are considered international applicants. The Office of Admission does not evaluate or advantage applicants differently based on their status as either domestic or international students.可見普林斯頓大學區(qū)分你是否是美國本土生其實主要是你在哪讀的高中,這其實也是為什么這些年很多學生選擇在高中階段去美國讀高中的原因之一。 康奈爾大學對于國際生的界定:Cornell reads applications based on where you currently attend school rather than by your citizenship status; we will read your application with others from your school and those from the same state (U.S.) or country. 通過這兩個學校的官方說法,可以看出來美本招辦對于國際生的界定了,當然不是所有的美本院校都是這樣的界定,就需要根據(jù)學校的情況來case by case 的分析了。不過您提到的“怕內(nèi)卷”的這個理念呢,其實在您列出來的這些學校里邊,不存在不內(nèi)卷的情況,其實這個“卷”的定義吧,我覺得重點還是回歸到是否是孩子的興趣所在,比如我在UC伯克利的學生,學的是化學,每天泡實驗室很長的時間,但是他樂在其中,但是要是不喜歡化學的學生,是不是也會覺得這是“卷”呢。 所以這個我覺得您不用過多糾結(jié)“卷”的問題,重點是這個高中是否跟您的孩子匹配,比如北野山中學的體育很強,學校的C-MAP是特色,是否跟您孩子匹配?Berkshire偏理,尤其數(shù)學比較強,是否跟孩子匹配呢?Suffield的領(lǐng)導力培養(yǎng)和計算器很強,跟您孩子匹配嗎?等等,所以可見,學校是否跟孩子匹配這個才是我們在進行高中擇校重點需要考慮的參數(shù),所以不用過于糾結(jié)“升學走向好中國人少的學校有哪些”,因為還有更多你需要關(guān)注的參數(shù)。 希望以上解答能夠?qū)δ兴鶐椭?,祝順利?
BrothersEdu創(chuàng)始人盧可老師 通過 網(wǎng)站 回答于2024-05-07 16:45:41 |
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謝謝您的問題。所有的美高排行榜,都是為了幫助家長和學生找到最適合自己的高中, 也都有自己服務(wù)的對象。服務(wù)的對象不同,決定了榜單的評估體系和方式的不同,也決定了排名的不同。 具體來說有幾點: 1. 評估體系的不同 在美國,亞裔是模范少數(shù)民族,亞裔的受教育程度和平均收入都是最高的,甚至高于白人。和美國的普通家長比,大部分亞裔家長和亞洲的學生家長,都更看重學校的學術(shù),師資,和升學就業(yè)前景。所以FindingSchool的美高排行榜里,學校的學術(shù),師資,和升學占的比重最大。Niche的美高排名服務(wù)美國本土家長,所以更強調(diào)一些亞裔家長不看重的因素,例如學校的非白人非亞裔的學生比例越高越好。 兩個榜單的具體的評估體系,可以查看以下鏈接: https://www.niche.com/about/methodology/best-private-high-schools/ http://cgaut.com.cn/ranking/FS-Boarding-Ranking/help 2. FS的榜單更依賴學校的真實數(shù)據(jù),而Niche的榜單更依靠用戶調(diào)查。 一個最明顯的例子就是升學數(shù)據(jù)。FindingSchool每年花大量的人力物力收集各個高中的真實的升學數(shù)據(jù),這就是為什么FS有全網(wǎng)最完整的歷年升學記錄。FS的榜單的基礎(chǔ),就是這些翔實的數(shù)據(jù)。而Niche沒有學校的升學數(shù)據(jù),所以他們的排名是基于“該校有多少學生想上名校”。我們認為,一個學校每年畢業(yè)上哈耶普斯麻的學生人數(shù),遠比這個學校有多少人想上哈耶普斯麻更能代表這個學校的學術(shù)水平。畢竟哈佛2024年的錄取率是4.9%, 想上哈佛和上了哈佛之間,有著巨大的差別。 3. 我們認為FS的榜單更為公正客觀 如果我告訴你,一個班有100人,這次考試有80多個學生都考了A,只有10個學生得B,1個學生得C, 你會不會覺得可能考題太簡單,沒有區(qū)分度?這就是Niche排名的現(xiàn)狀。Niche的2024寄宿美高排名,529學校里,398個學校的學術(shù)評分是A,43個是B,3個是C。沒有一個D,更沒有F。 FindingSchool的排名里,大概3分之一的學校學術(shù)評分是A,3分之一是B,3分之一是其他。 如果您有其他和榜單相關(guān)的問題,可以回復,或者聯(lián)系FS的工作人員,我們會盡力為您解答。 謝謝!
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