托福成績:- | SSAT成績:- | 當前年級:- | 申請年級:- | 面試:- |
首先祝賀女兒,拿到S和C的Offer,證明成績和背景在大多學生中是脫穎而出的,從孩子的描述來看,去S和C區(qū)別不大,都是常春藤feeder school, 但有一點要清楚,這些學生里好多是legacy, 未來必定要面臨同校競爭。有沒有申B校?建議有可能的話參觀一下學校,看學校的氛圍女兒最喜歡哪所
斯兵塞學校 (The Spence School) --NY是一所非常好的子女走讀學校,學業(yè)表現,升學成績都是一流的。Chapin School規(guī)模稍小,且沒有高中部。比較而言,The Spence School更理想一些,尤其是將來不想轉寄宿高中的話。
祝賀您,都是不錯的學校,兩個學校之間,我個人傾向于選擇The Spence School, 學校有高中部,學生人數也適中,活動也不少。 而Chapin 沒有高中部,將來還要再次申請高中,而且學校略微小型一些, -
如果你孩子很喜歡Stem,那么Spece優(yōu)于Chapin,因為歷史上Chapin的寫作占優(yōu)勢,但是科學不占優(yōu)勢,Spence科學強多了,特別他們有Science Bowl俱樂部,參加這個比賽如果獲得獎項等于是進入哈耶普的敲門磚。C and S are vigilant about behavior that could veer into meanness. All 2 have more academic resources than virtually any girl can transcend. None is especially comfortable for girls who can't keep up with the academic and behavioral expectations. None is a good school for a nonacademic girl.
When your child tours, she should be able to pick up differences in atmosphere that may be important to her. It's also a good idea to go one morning and watch the kids as they arrive at each of these schools. It may give you and your child some insight that both of you can't get from the tours. But honestly, you can't go wrong with any of them. 再次恭喜! -
這二所都是非常好的女校,都算是紐約的貴族學校。我建議最大的考慮因素是你們希望女兒在這所學校一直到念完高中(Spence School)還是初中畢業(yè)再申請一所美高(Chapin)?
看到所謂專業(yè)school counselor的回答,非常吃驚。連基本知識都缺乏,還連續(xù)有兩個counselor 回答錯了,這種水平讓人看出這行業(yè)里的水分。