托福成績:- | SSAT成績:2350 | 當(dāng)前年級:9 | 申請年級:9 | 面試:- |
從學(xué)校規(guī)模,校友捐贈,多元化,師生比和住校學(xué)生占百分比看,應(yīng)該選迪爾菲爾德學(xué)院 (Deerfield Academy) --MA。
祝賀孩子,都是頂級的學(xué)校,選哪個都很好,個人推薦Deerfield Academy。
建議Deerfield。如果你孩子特別喜歡音樂,Deerfield還有,Deerfield has been remodeling a whole new arts center with a new theater, practice rooms, recording studio, and fantastically designed chamber music hall. They have chamber class (meets daily for credit), music theory, choral music, orchestra, a Capella groups, musical productions, and a music "co-curricular" (during sports time), in which you can have daily practice time, then go perform every few weeks at a nursing home, soup kitchen, etc.
另外Deerfield的升學(xué)deerfield.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/College_Matrics_2020.pdf 是Concord無法比擬的。如果在Prep Review中,藤校比例中Concord不是那么搶眼。當(dāng)然兩個學(xué)校地域不同,除非你考慮地域因素。